L'Arsenal 2.0

L'Arsenal 2.0 3D700339 AS-330 Puma - ALAT Version 2 - 3D printing (2 helicopters)

AS-330 Puma - ALAT Version 2 - 3D printing (2 helicopters) - Image 1
Scală: 1:700
Producător: L'Arsenal 2.0
Codul produsului: LAR-3D700339
Disponibilitate actuală: temporar indiponibil
Ultima dată disponibil: 8.8.2024
43.46 RON sau 6200 pct.

Include 19% TVA
la livrarea in tara: România
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Informații principale

Codul produsuluiLAR-3D700339
Adăugat în catalog:8.8.2024
ProducătorL'Arsenal 2.0
L'Arsenal 2.0 Al Massar 195 40000 Marrakech Maroc
Entitate responsabilăPJB Hobby Sp. z o.o. Kozmice Wielkie 781 32-020 Wieliczka Polonia

Aerospatiale SA 330 Puma is a modern French medium multi-role helicopter. The flight of the prototype took place in 1965, and the machine entered service in 1968. The helicopter - in the SA 330 H version - is 18.15 meters long and has a rotor diameter of 15 meters. The drive is provided by two Turbomeca Turmo IV C engines with 1,575 HP each. The helicopter has a classic layout with a single main rotor and a propeller on the tail boom.

The Aerospatiale SA 330 Puma was developed for the military aviation of the French Army as a multipurpose transport machine capable of operating in a wide range of climatic conditions and in all weather conditions. It is also worth adding that initially the work and production of this very successful machine was carried out at the Sud Aviation company, and later (from 1970) after its merger with the Nord Aviation plants - at the Aerospatiale plants. Many development versions were created in the course of production, including: SA 330 B (the first version produced in series), SA 330 E (version produced for the RAF), SA 330 F (civil export version with an engine Turbomeca Turmo IIIC4 .) if SA 330 H (military version with new main rotor and engine). The SA 330 machine has gained a lot of popularity and in various versions has been or is still operated by countries such as: Chile, Ecuador, Cameroon, Kuwait, Romania and Great Britain.

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Informații principale

ProducătorL'Arsenal 2.0
L'Arsenal 2.0 Al Massar 195 40000 Marrakech Maroc
Entitate responsabilăPJB Hobby Sp. z o.o. Kozmice Wielkie 781 32-020 Wieliczka Polonia

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Adăugat în catalog: 8.8.2024
Disponibilitate actuală: temporar indiponibil
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