WAK 05-2005 Citroen 5HP Typ C 1921 and Hanomag Homissbrot 1926

Citroen 5HP Typ C 1921 and Hanomag Homissbrot 1926 - Image 1
Scală: 1:25
Producător: WAK
Codul produsului: WAK05-2005
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Informații principale

Codul produsuluiWAK05-2005
Greutate:0.06 kg
Adăugat în catalog:27.12.2006
Tags:Hanomag-Kommissbrot Citroen-5HP
Wydawnictwo WAK Przemysław Bogusz Kleczkowska 46 lok. 4 50-227 Wrocław Polonia
Entitate responsabilăWydawnictwo WAK Przemysław Bogusz Kleczkowska 46 lok. 4 50-227 Wrocław Polonia

Scale: 1:25
Author: J. Obuszyński
Difficult level: 3/6 and 1/6
Number of parts: 356
Number of sheets: 4,5

Citroen Type C, commonly known as "Little Lemon", is a French passenger car from the interwar period. The vehicle was produced in the years 1921-1926. The length of the car was approx. 3.2 m, with a width of approx. 1.4 m and a wheelbase of approx. 2.25 m. The curb weight of the car was around 540 kilograms. The drive was provided by a single, 4-cylinder engine with a power of up to 20 HP. The top speed in the first production series did not exceed 60 km / h. The presented car was developed by Andre Citroen and was the first truly large-scale car in the history of his automotive company. From the very beginning, when designing it, it was assumed that the new car would be, on the one hand, the cheapest in production and operation, but on the other hand, it would be reliable and would ensure the greatest possible comfort of traveling. To a large extent, these assumptions have been met, and the Citroen Type C has achieved considerable market success. About 80,000 copies were produced in the course of its production, and its license production was carried out in Italy and Germany. As an interesting fact, Citroen Type C was advertised primarily as a car for women, which at that time - the 1920s - was a very unusual marketing solution.

Hanomag 2/10 PS, commonly known as Kommissbrot, is a German passenger car from the interwar period. The vehicle was produced in the years 1925-1928. The length of the car was approx. 2.78 m, with a width of approx. 1.18 m and a wheelbase of 1.92 m. Depending on the version, the weight of the car ranged from 370 to 430 kilograms. The drive was provided by a single, 1-cylinder engine with a capacity of 0.5 liters and power up to 10 HP. The maximum speed did not exceed 60 km / h. Hanomag 2/10 PS was designed by Karl Pollich and Fidelis Böhler, as a small, very cheap to produce and operate economy car designed for the transport of up to two people. The main criterion for its construction was the maximum cost reduction - both in production and operation. Finally, a very unusual vehicle was created, which received the nickname Kommissbrot, which, however, was characterized by a record low - for those times - fuel consumption of 4 liters per 100 kilometers. Interestingly, this original car was produced in several body versions (e.g. sedan, coupe or roadster), and a total of about 15,700 cars of this type were produced.

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Wydawnictwo WAK Przemysław Bogusz Kleczkowska 46 lok. 4 50-227 Wrocław Polonia
Entitate responsabilăWydawnictwo WAK Przemysław Bogusz Kleczkowska 46 lok. 4 50-227 Wrocław Polonia

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Adăugat în catalog: 27.12.2006
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