
A-Model 07249 Kamov Ka-62 Soviet Civil Helicopter

Kamov Ka-62  Soviet Civil Helicopter - Image 1
Scală: 1:72
Producător: A-Model
Codul produsului: AMO-07249
Disponibilitate actuală: indisponibil
Ultima dată disponibil: 21.4.2012
51.69 RON sau 7400 pct.

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la livrarea in tara: România
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Informații principale

Codul produsuluiAMO-07249
Greutate:0.16 kg
Adăugat în catalog:10.11.2009
Entitate responsabilăIBG International Business Group Spółka Jawna Piotr Andrzejewski, Lidia Andrzejewska, Adam Andrzejewski Benedykta Hertza 2 04-603 Warszawa Polonia

The Kamow Ka-60 is a modern Russian multi-role helicopter with a metal-composite structure with a main rotor and a fan-type propeller on the tail beam. The prototype flight took place in 1998. The drive is provided by two RD-600W engines or - in the Ka-62 version - by two Turbomeca Ardiden 3G engines with a capacity of 1776 HP each.

The Kamov Ka-60 was initially created for the needs of the armed forces of the USSR, and later the Russian Federation in order to replace the Mi-4 machines in the line and to supplement the Mi-8 helicopters in the line. The new helicopter was to be able to carry a load of up to 2,500 kilograms. The new machine also puts emphasis on survivability on the battlefield, resistance to ground fire with bullets up to 23 mm, as well as on lowering the thermal detectability of the helicopter. Due to the crisis caused by the collapse of the USSR, the design work on the Ka-60 was significantly prolonged and despite their commencement around 1990, the new machine was first tested in 1998. Based on the military version (Ka-60), there was also a civil version powered by other engines (Ka-62).

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Entitate responsabilăIBG International Business Group Spółka Jawna Piotr Andrzejewski, Lidia Andrzejewska, Adam Andrzejewski Benedykta Hertza 2 04-603 Warszawa Polonia

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Adăugat în catalog: 10.11.2009
Disponibilitate actuală: indisponibil
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Eventuale accesorii

Scală: 1:72
Producător: KV Models
Codul produsului: KVM-72241
Disponibilitate: 2-8 saptamani

25.04 RON sau 3600 pct.