
Heller 80898 La Reale De France

La Reale De France - Image 1
Scală: 1:76
Producător: Heller
Codul produsului: hlr80898
Disponibilitate actuală: indisponibil
Ultima dată disponibil: 1.2.2021
483.23 RON
Cel mai mic preț cu 30 de zile înainte de reducere:
526.50 RON -8% sau 76600 pct.

Include 19% TVA
la livrarea in tara: România
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Informații principale

Codul produsuluihlr80898
Greutate:2.65 kg
Adăugat în catalog:30.10.2004
Entitate responsabilă

La Reale De France (abbreviated as La Reale) was a French galley from the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. The construction of the unit began in 1692, and its launch and commissioning took place in 1694. The ship was built in a shipyard in the city of Marseille in France. The vessel was about 60 m long and 7.7 m wide (without the oars). Its displacement was about 280 tons. The ship was armed with 5 on-board guns, and its crew consisted of nearly 550 people, including 360 rowers. La Reale De France was designed and built by Jean-Baptiste Chabert as the flagship of the so-called The Galley Corps, operating primarily in the Mediterranean. It was undoubtedly one of the largest galleys in the history of the French navy, and undoubtedly one of the most lavishly decorated - especially in the stern. However, the unit was withdrawn from service in 1720. At present, many ship decorations are exhibited at the Musee de la Marine in Paris.

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Adăugat în catalog: 30.10.2004
Disponibilitate actuală: indisponibil
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  • produs indisponibil
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  • lipsă
  • 1 bucată
  • 2 bucăți
  • 3-5 bucăți
  • 6-10 bucăți
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Eventuale accesorii

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Disponibilitate: disponibil!

17.66 RON
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