Informații principale
Codul produsului | RSM92013 |
Scală | 1:72 |
Adăugat în catalog: | 27.12.2006 |
Tags: | Japan-Army-Type-KI27 |
Producător | RS Models RS Models U Lomu 513/7 795 01 Rýmařov Republica Ceha |
Entitate responsabilă | RS Models U Lomu 513/7 795 01 Rýmařov Republica Ceha |
Samoloty my¶liwskie Ki-27a i Ki-27b były podstawowymi my¶liwcami armii japońskiej końca lat trzydziestych i pocz±tku lat czterdziestych. Stosowano je w wojnie z wojskami radzieckimi nad jeziorem Chasan w okresie 29 lipca - 11 sierpnia 1938r., oraz w w wojnie z ZSRR w rejonie rzeki Chałchyn-goł od 11 maja 1939r. do końca sierpnia 1939r., w wojnie z Chinami od 1938r. do połowy 1943r., a także w latach 1940-1943 w walkach z samolotami brytyjskimi, francuskimi i holenderskimi nad Birm±, Malajami, Indonezj± i Filipinami. Od połowy 1943 r. większo¶ć samolotów KI-27 przerabiano sukcesywnie na dwumiejscowe samoloty szkolne Ki-79. Czę¶ć my¶liwców Ki-27 przetrwała jednak do końca II wojny ¶wiatowej. Dowództwo alianckie nadało im kodow± nazwę "Nate".
The Nakajima Ki-27 is a Japanese, single-engine, metal low-wing fighter with a fixed undercarriage from the beginning of World War II. The flight of the prototype took place on October 15, 1936, and the entry into the line units took place in 1937. After a series of comparisons with other then Japanese machines, the command of the air force of the land forces decided in 1937 to mass-produce the machine designated as Nakajima Type 97 Ki-27a. This version was powered by the 650HP Nakajima Ha-1a engine, but the version with the new 780HP Nakajima Ha-1b engine-drive, designated as Nakajima Type 97 Ki-27b, entered production very quickly. Serial production of both versions lasted from 1937 to 1942 and led to the production of approximately 3,400 copies of this aircraft. The Nakajima Ki-27 was the army's basic fighter used in the battles with the USSR's air force at Lake Chasan and the Khalkhyn-Gol River in China and at the beginning of World War II in Burma and Malaya. From 1943, the machines were converted into training planes Ki-79. Technical data (Ki-27b version): length: 7.53m, wingspan: 11.31m, height: 3.28m, maximum speed: 470km / h, rate of climb: 15.3m / s, maximum range: 1100km, ceiling maximum 12,250m, armament: fixed - 2 machine guns type 89, caliber 7.7 mm, suspended - up to 100 kg of bombs.
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