Informații principale
Codul produsului | RSM92001 |
Scală | 1:72 |
Adăugat în catalog: | 27.12.2006 |
Tags: | Praga E-39 |
Producător | RS Models RS Models Nové pole 2 79342 Janovice, Republica Ceha |
Entitate responsabilă | RS Models Nové pole 2 79342 Janovice, Republica Ceha |
Dwuplatowiec Praga E.39 to samolot rozpoznawczo treningowy, ktorego pierwszy lot miel miejsce latem 1931r. i po wstepnych probach rozpoczeto produkcje. Po wybuchu 2WW niemiecka Luftwaffe wykozystywala maszyny tego typo do 1940r.. W sumie wyprodukowano 139 samolotow tego typu.
Praga E-39 is a Czechoslovakian single-engine reconnaissance and training aircraft in a mixed biplane design. Three different engines were used, ranging from 120 to 150 HP. The prototype flight took place in June 1931. In the same year, the machine was ordered by the Czechoslovak air force and became one of the country's basic training aircraft in the 1930s. By 1939, 139 copies were made. After this year, Germany handed them over to Slovakia and Hungary as capture equipment. They took part in the war with the USSR in 1941 to a small extent. Technical data: length: 6.88m, wingspan: 9.88m, height: 2.54m, maximum speed: 170km / h, practical ceiling: 3500m, maximum range: 483km, armament: permanent - no equipment.
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Informații principale
Producător | RS Models RS Models Nové pole 2 79342 Janovice, Republica Ceha |
Entitate responsabilă | RS Models Nové pole 2 79342 Janovice, Republica Ceha |
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