Informații principale
Codul produsului | WAK10-2009 |
Greutate: | 0.13 kg |
Scalã | 1:33 |
Adãugat în catalog: | 21.12.2009 |
Tags: | Albatros-D.III RAF-S.E.5 |
Producãtor | WAK Wydawnictwo WAK Przemys³aw Bogusz Kleczkowska 46 lok. 4 50-227 Wroc³aw Polonia |
Entitate responsabilã | Wydawnictwo WAK Przemys³aw Bogusz Kleczkowska 46 lok. 4 50-227 Wroc³aw Polonia |
Albatros D.III was a single-seater airplane, a biplane with a mixed structure, mostly wooden, with an open cockpit and a classic-fixed landing gear. Designed in 1916. and built at the German Albatros-Werke factory in Berlin. In the first half of 1916, Eng. Robert Thelen, using the experience of aviators using Albatros DI and D.II fighter planes, began developing a new fighter plane for the German aviation. According to the requirements, it was to be a plane with good maneuverability, the ability to quickly maneuver in a vertical position, high rate of climb and resistance to overloads. The prototype of the Albatros D.III aircraft was first flew in September 1916. It turned out to be easy to fly, maneuverable, durable and with good performance. After introducing minor corrections, serial production was launched in 1917. A total of 1,340 Albatros D.III aircraft were manufactured, mainly at the Ostdeutsche Albatros-Werke plant in Pi³a. From 1917, the planes were directed to the German air units to the front, mainly to the west. They had a faster rate of climb than the Allied planes, but were inferior to their maneuverability. The famous German airmen from World War I Manfred von Richthofen and Ernst Udet fought on the Albatros D.III plane. Technical data: Top speed: 175 km / h; climb speed 4.5 m / s, maximum ceiling 5500 m, armament: two 7.92 mm LMG08 / 15 machine guns.The Royal Air Factory SE.5 is a British mixed-wing fighter biplane with a classic tail from the First World War. It was created as a British response to the appearance of great Fokker and Albatros fighters on the Western Front in 1916. The flight of the prototype took place in November 1916, and the machine was delivered to the linear units in March 1917. The drive was a Hispano-Suiza engine with a capacity of 200 HP, which powered the first 60 serial aircraft, in the remaining examples the Waseley W4A Viper engine of the same power was used. The SE.5 was a successful fighter, with great performance, good weapons, easy handling and good resistance to enemy fire. Many Allied fighter aces flew on it, including: Billy Bishop, James McCudden and Albert Ball. Technical data: length: 6.38 m, wingspan: 8.11 m, height: 2.89 m, maximum speed: 222 km / h, practical ceiling: 5180 m, maximum range: 483 km, armament: fixed - 2 machine guns cal.7, 7mm.
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Informații principale
Producãtor | WAK Wydawnictwo WAK Przemys³aw Bogusz Kleczkowska 46 lok. 4 50-227 Wroc³aw Polonia |
Entitate responsabilã | Wydawnictwo WAK Przemys³aw Bogusz Kleczkowska 46 lok. 4 50-227 Wroc³aw Polonia |
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