Informații principale
Codul produsului | afx03059 |
Greutate: | 0.14 kg |
Ean: | 5014429030598 |
Scală | 1:72 |
Mărime | 137 x 155 mm |
Numărul componentelor | 48 |
Pictură | 14, 15, 24, 33, 53, 61, 64, 85, 130, 159, 171, 191 |
Adăugat în catalog: | 30.10.2004 |
Tags: | Tucano |
Producător | Airfix Hornby Hobbies Limited Enterprise Road, Westwood Industrial Estate, Margate CT9 4JX Margate Marea Britanie |
Entitate responsabilă | "S.K. MODEL" Spółka z ograniczon± odpowiedzialno¶ci± Jednorożca 1A 80-299 Gdańsk Polonia |
The Short Tucano is a British, two-person training plane powered by a turboprop engine with a classic tail in the low wing configuration. The flight took place in February 1986. The drive is provided by the Garrett TPE331-12B engine with a power of 1100HP. The first serial aircraft entered service at Central Flying School in mid-1988. About 130 machines of this type were ordered to replace the older Jet Provosts. Short Tucano planes were exported to Kenya and Kuwait. Technical data: length: 9.85 m, wingspan: 11.28 m, height: 3.4 m, maximum speed: 507 km / h, climb speed: 17.8 m / s, practical ceiling: 10300 m, maximum range: 1665 km.
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Informații principale
Producător | Airfix Hornby Hobbies Limited Enterprise Road, Westwood Industrial Estate, Margate CT9 4JX Margate Marea Britanie |
Entitate responsabilă | "S.K. MODEL" Spółka z ograniczon± odpowiedzialno¶ci± Jednorożca 1A 80-299 Gdańsk Polonia |
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