
DISCONTINUED Quest 025 Speed corvette Visby

Speed corvette Visby - Image 1
Scală: 1:200
Producător: Quest
Codul produsului: QUE025
Disponibilitate actuală: indisponibil
Ultima dată disponibil: 27.8.2020
16.49 RON
Cel mai mic preț cu 30 de zile înainte de reducere:
17.47 RON -6% sau 2200 pct.

Include 19% TVA
la livrarea in tara: România
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Informații principale

Codul produsuluiQUE025
Greutate:0.05 kg
Adăugat în catalog:27.12.2006
Entitate responsabilăQuest

Scale : 1:200
Author: S. Dreger
Number of sheets: 3
Difficult level: 2/3

Visby is a Swedish missile corvette, the construction of which began in 1996, and its launch took place in 2000. It entered service in Svenska Marinen two years later - in 2002. The corvette is 72 meters long, 10.4 meters wide and has a full displacement of 650 tons. The maximum speed is up to 35 knots. The armament at the time of the launch consisted of eight RBS-15 anti-ship missile launchers, a single 57 mm Bofors gun and two 400 mm torpedo tubes. The ship can also carry mines.

Visby is the first of five (as of 2008) corvettes belonging to the type with the same name - ie Visby. Corvettes of this type were largely made of composite materials, which had a positive effect on the strength of the hull and reduced the possibility of detection. The ships of this class were also designed using many elements of stealth technology, which makes them detectable by sea radars at a distance of 8-22 kilometers, depending on weather conditions. Ships of this type are characterized by high maximum speed, strong anti-ship weapons, low detectability and relatively rich electronic equipment. The disadvantages include, for example, the lack of anti-aircraft weapons and the inability to base the helicopter.


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Informații principale

Entitate responsabilăQuest

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Adăugat în catalog: 27.12.2006
Disponibilitate actuală: indisponibil
  • produs disponibil
  • produs indisponibil
  • produs disponibil la comandă
  • livrarea produselor
  • lipsă
  • 1 bucată
  • 2 bucăți
  • 3-5 bucăți
  • 6-10 bucăți
  • peste 10 bucăți
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Eventuale accesorii

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